Vestingring – Dordrecht

Vision for new developments along the historical line of Dordrecht

Along the historical line of the old city wall of Dodrecht new developments will create a lively public connection around the old city-centre stretching from the new developments ‘het Maasterras’ to the ‘Stadswerven’. By densification, greening the streets and using new ways to activate the canal, the ‘Vestingsring’ contributes to the maritine identity of Dordrecht while making the city-centre more attractive and livable.

_Vestigingsring Dordrecht - Exploded Axo 1000
_Vestigingsring Dordrecht - Museumroute 1000
_Vestigingsring Dordrecht - Activering Kade 1000

Facts & Figures

Location Dordrecht
Category Real Estate Residential, Commercial, Schools, Offices and parking space
m2 / SQM gross Floor area ...
Programme urban planning
Start design 2022
Start construction (planned) 2024
Start use (planned) 2025
Client Municipality of Dordrecht
Question client Urban Planning
Role ATC urban planner, architect
Parametric design daylight, radiation, views, orientation.
Team Municipality + the ArchiTech Company
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